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Reusable worksheets used as lead generators

8 Lead Generators You Can Create To Grow Your Business

Lead generators are the easiest and cheapest way to grow your business online. Typically, you ask for an email in exchange for providing something valuable to your potential customers. This could be something electronic, like a PDF or webinar, or something tangible, like a T-shirt. It could even be a service, like a free class or coaching session. There are so many different options to choose from when deciding what sort of lead generator you want to create. In this post, we’ll cover some of those different types to help you create your next awesome lead generator.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


Checklists walk your customers through all the things they’ll need to consider when doing [x] or buying [y]. Not only that, but they are also incredibly easy to create. Here are a few ideas from different industries to help you brainstorm:

  • 20 Cooking Accessories Every Chef Needs
  • The Ultimate Wedding Planning Checklist
  • 10 Questions Everyone Should Ask Before Buying An RV
  • 8 Things Your Website Needs To Rank In Google
  • The Gardener’s Guide To Growing Watermelon


Webinars require a bit more planning than other lead generator types, like a checklist or worksheet. However, they can provide incredible value to your clients when done well. The nice thing about webinars these days is you can Live-Stream them on platforms like YouTube or Facebook, where customers can watch them later. This way, if people stumble upon it and enjoy it, they are more likely to sign up for the next one.

A word of caution, though: don’t just make it all about your product or service. Offer some kind of training that solves a specific problem for your client. For example, if you’re a financial advisor, offer a webinar that shows customers how to create a monthly budget. Get creative with this! What sorts of things could you teach your audience? What problems could you solve for them?


Giveaways are exactly what they sound like: giving away something for free. This type of lead generator works particularly well for online shops. If you own a local bookstore, you could host a giveaway for so many signed copies of a novel. The possibilities here are endless. T-shirts, coffee mugs, a free meal at your restaurant…you name it!

If you sell services like we do here at MotorClick, fear not! You can still do this. Instead of a physical product, you can give away a free trial of your software, a sewing class, or a coaching session, for instance. Then, record yourself teaching the class, and promote it in your emails and on social media, to generate excitement for your next giveaway in the future.

Value and pitfall lists

Like checklists, value and pitfall lists are easy to create, and are both incredibly effective types of lead generators. Value lists offer tips from your industry, like this very article! Another example of a lead generator like this could be “10 Tips For Raising A Healthy Kitten” or “5 Natural Ways To Keep Your Garden Pest Free”.

On the other hand, pitfall lists help your customers avoid something that could cause them trouble, pain, or grief. If you’re a realtor, for instance, your list might be “5 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Home”. Or if you offer job placement services, you could create a lead generator titled “6 Interview Blunders That Will Cost You Your Dream Job”.

Whether you create a value list or a pitfall list, remember that the information you provide must be valuable to customers. Otherwise, they won’t be willing to give up their email address for it!

Interview with an expert

Interviews make great lead generators as well, because they establish your authority and stake claim to your territory. Find someone in your industry who has influence and knows what they’re talking about. During the interview, ask them questions that your clients are asking. You can turn this into a webinar, a video, a PDF, or even a podcast that you can promote in your email campaigns and spread around on social media.

Reusable worksheets

Life can get complicated. So your customers will immediately find value in anything you give them that can make their life a bit easier. Reusable worksheets could be anything from goal setting sheets to daily task lists. For example, if you’re a financial advisor, you could create a reusable worksheet to help your clients create their monthly budget.

Keynote speech

Another sure-fire way to generate demand for your products and services is through a keynote. Film yourself giving a speech that positions you as an expert in your field, as a guide who can help your customers solve a problem. This doesn’t mean spending an entire speech just talking about you or your company! Instead, talk about the mistakes people make and how your new product/methodology/service helps your client avoid those mistakes.

Open house

This type of lead generator doesn’t just work for realtors! An open house allows your clients to come into your place of business and speak with you directly. You can get to know them, talk with them, and start addressing some of the problems they have that you may be able to solve.

But don’t just have an open house for no specific reason. Try to plan and host some sort of event, like a lecture or class. This way, you offer a sense of community and allow customers to connect with you in a low-stress environment, where they don’t feel the pressure of the sale.

Go get that email address!

In this post, we’ve explained how you can create lead generators out of checklists, webinars, giveaways, lists, interviews, worksheets, keynotes, and open house events. Whichever of these types of lead generators you choose, just remember one thing: get their email address!

Are there other lead generators you’ve created that worked well for your business? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Keep Reading: 7 Tips For Creating Effective Lead Generators »

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